Poetry Project Day 7

An ode to the wonders of the milkshake...  yes, my tastes run more in this direction than cocktails and sophistication!

Moo Moos

Moo Moos,
Pink and white box in the Covered Market,
How you tantalise,
With your perplexing flavour combinations.
What tortured mind ever conceived of a biscuit milkshake?
Everyone loves an Oreo but liquidised?
Look into your science - it doesn't work,
There will always be bits at the bottom
Waiting to unseat the unsuspecting slurper.
But a flake?  Snickers?  Kit Kat? Bring it on.
I challenge anyone not to be impressed with the sweets -
Starburst; sherbet; liquorice; smarties, anyone?
So Moo Moos, you are truly inventive and have enhanced my life.
But please get that queuing system sorted out.


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