Poetry Day 5 - officially running out of ideas.
Hmm, so now it is the first day of the Easter holidays and I have a whole side of A4 full of things I have to/need to/will go insane if I don't do. They range from completing job applications to cleaning out the kitchen cupboards, writing a Philosophy of Education essay and planning days out with my lovely team of two children. The children are currently sulking as I am on the computer and despite the fact that they are having hours of TV fun this morning (which never happens on a weekday), something is amiss. They want my time and I can't give it to them, not right now. So far, I've managed to clean the bathroom and make a gratin along with making them bacon rolls and freshly squeezed orange juice for breakfast. You'd think they would be grateful! In fact, I'm procrastinating right now in prioritising this poetry activity over stuff I need to do for work which has kind of reached the ridiculous crisis point that means I no longer care as I doubt much can be done. Early this morning I was in the garden, cleaning out the chicken run and this poem is a response to that and the simple lack of urgency that exists out there.
Chickens at first light
I hear them before I see them,
Moving, clucking and keen to be out,
The coop door slides open,
An explosion of bird bursts into the air,
Their voices rasp through the cold,
Eyes beetle bright and searching,
Three hens fat on stick legs,
Are gone into the gloom,
Hoping for worms and a dust bath.
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