Long time coming...

So I don't appear to have posted in a long while.  So much has happened!  Okay, well the new Star Wars film has its second trailer and a name.  Counting down to December the 18th when The Force Awakens.  Please don't let me down, J.J!!  Maria and I (http://mgoodson.blogspot.co.uk) have had sort of fun writing a two handed short story where we had to write 100 words each per day and keep it coherent.  It almost worked!  It was fun though.  Collaborative stuff always is.  I didn't post any of that up here, not sure why.  I've got some inspiration to write something, anything once a week - just to round up what I have been doing and give myself an aerial view of my life.  In the meantime though, there is a holiday to take, an assignment to finish and a new job to find.  I will get on that soon.


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