
Showing posts from May, 2015

June poetry day 1 Heartburn

Heartburn My heart burns for you, A twisting thing of sweetness. But bitter tendrils lash at the edges Of my dreams and nightmares, While you look away And away, Before that pretty acknowledgement With the knowing nod and squeeze, Leaving fleshy seeds scattered Like the split pomegranate lying beneath its tree. This is the first of a month of writing exercises to get the flow starting...

Long time coming...

So I don't appear to have posted in a long while.  So much has happened!  Okay, well the new Star Wars film has its second trailer and a name.  Counting down to December the 18th when The Force Awakens.  Please don't let me down, J.J!!  Maria and I ( ) have had sort of fun writing a two handed short story where we had to write 100 words each per day and keep it coherent.  It almost worked!  It was fun though.  Collaborative stuff always is.  I didn't post any of that up here, not sure why.  I've got some inspiration to write something, anything once a week - just to round up what I have been doing and give myself an aerial view of my life.  In the meantime though, there is a holiday to take, an assignment to finish and a new job to find.  I will get on that soon.