'Sticks and stones...' or The perils of language
*Spoiler Alert* Beware, faint-hearted reader, this missive contains language likely to offend. Read on at your peril and don't say I didn't warn you. Hearing the word 'fuck' from the mouth of a seven year old is never going to be a happy occasion for any parent. But like everything else you're not quite prepared for, you deal with it as best you can at the time you are faced with it and keep your fingers crossed that you won't spend years paying for therapy as a result of your helpful/encouraging 'anything goes' attitude to questions between mother and child. Language is a tricksy creature: majestic and mercurial; slipping and sliding; context dependent; designed for so many purposes and as a consequence, so ripe for misinterpretation. I have no idea how we got to the subject of swearing, but along with anything to do with toilets, bottoms, farts, poo, willies and vaginas, as a parent you can kind of hear the warning bells going off when it's t...