Let the poetry flow...
So it's the first of April and here comes the joke... I and my friend Maria (check her out at mgoodson.blogspot.co.uk ) are doing an ad hoc version of NaPoWriMo and creating a little gem every day this month. When I say this, I should probably add several disclaimers. Firstly, I cannot write poetry. Secondly, my writing practice has been woefully neglected over the past, ooh, I don't know, year or so, so that sound you hear is the rust falling from my fingers. Thirdly, Maria has cheated and ALREADY HAS HAD A POEM PUBLISHED, a fact that she neglected to mention and has me running scared already - and I've only been typing this for five minutes and fourthly, did I mention that I can't write poetry? The locked bridge I heard today of a bridge in Paris. Somebody sometime turned a key In a lock and walked away. Now it is covered in locks, Woven through the unblinking struts, Above the unseeing water. The love rusting slowly, Ever so slowly away. So, the...